Once youre at the top, look for a water source to fill up your canteen, along with a bridge to go across. Go through a door on your east side and youll find a door to kick down on your right. Head to your northeast and break the nearby wench, which will lower a bridge for you to cross. Theres an open flame by the camp. Before you do, double back and look for a water source to the right of the yellow paint. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Mad Max. From there, loop back around to the far left corner, where a door can be kicked down. Clean it out and then go back to the bus, exiting through the northern doorway. As you keep going down the hall, look for some stairs to the right, then take them to find some more to climb up to your southwest in the next area. Grab the fuel can you spotted earlier and take out the oil pump right in the middle of everything, and pick up the scrap it leaves behind. Blow them to bits, then snag the scrap thats inside the bus. Youll see a flame spout going off to the southeast, which will keep you going further into the camp. Go up two flights, then take a turn around the corner and fill up your canteen with the nearby water source. Now walk southwest, pick up the scrap and access the valve on the right to nix the flame in Maxs way. Two Transfer Tanks will also be here, but ignore them for a moment. Pick it up, then make a stop in the next room to fill your canteen at the water source. Max will come upon the next container. Youll also find a Scrotus Insignia next to it to break, along with another piece of scrap to pick up, off to the left. There will be a trio of snipers and Thunderpoon launchers waiting for you at this camp, along with a flame spout. To its right youll find a door that can be kicked open. From here, look for a climbable wall, and locate a ladder. Make sure to check to the left of the container as well, as you can find a Scrotus Insignia to blow up. Go through the next area and youll find a water source to fill up your canteen, along with a door that youll want to kick down and go through. Collect this and go back down, and use the fuel can to go through the waiting door. Head back down from there. Look for a Scrotus Insignia hanging just to your south side, along with a piece of scrap at the end of a nearby platform (off to your west). Harpoon the main gate to bring it down, then head inside. First, take out the snipers by setting up a shady spot to the north, and using your longshot. Youll come across one last piece of scrap and a ladder you can climb down to reach the entrance. Use it to blast a Transfer Tank that the crane is holding, then make your way into a lower area, where a few more thugs are waiting. Grab it, then go back to the ladder and head down to make your way through the pathway. A Scrotus Insignia will be waiting, so make sure to destroy it. Mad Max: Grave Bridge insignia you probably missed. Go inside and then take a left (avoid the bridge for now). You can easily take them out, but if you approach from the west, youll need to only be concerned with a pair of the snipers and a single Thunderpoon launcher. Go into the room and eat the food if necessary. Dont use the ladder just yet, though. Now walk through the container and pan the camera left to see the fuel can. grave bridge insignia. Head up and break the last Scrotus Insignia, which will be located to your right. Youll take another left, where you can get even more Thundersticks. Youll find food in this structure, along with ammo just off to the east side. Beat them, and dont forget to take out the War Crier as well. Once you reach the very top, some scrap will be hanging on the wall to your left. Make your way to the lower platform and look for a set of stairs southwest. One more piece of scrap will be to the right of the stairs. Use it, and youll find another part of the camp with a Scrotus Insignia, just waiting to be destroyed. Take the lower one on your left, but make sure to look out for some paint near the large rusted steam pipe above. This camp is complete! You will see a platform with a crane, along with a glowing connector. Pick it up, then go back up from where you originally came in through the hatch, and make your way south. Clear them out, then make a stop by the Scrapulance located to your southwest. Head up, and youll reach the main entrance. Head to the left of the oil pump, where theres a pathway, and work your way up a ladder at the other side. Instead, take the path to the left of the stairs, and youll locate a History Relic at its end. Once its done, go back to the area thats beneath the Insignia, and youll find some scrap to collect. There will only be one sniper guarding this camp, and hell be on the east side. Pick it up and climb back down, and youll find another Transfer Tank, which you can destroy with a well-timed throw. Instead look left and break the Scrotus Insignia. Instead, look on the ground for some scrap and pick it up, then head up. Head in, and youll find food to scrounge down (if needed) as well as a Scrotus Insignia to destroy. Theyre stacked atop one another, so one good throw should do the trick. Make sure you stop by the water source as well, right next to said container, so you can fill up your canteen. Take down all the perimeter defenses to your west, then go to the east and clean out the others (as well as the War Crier, if you want). Max is able to sneak around this mountain. Go over and make your way down to your northeast, where a few more thugs will be waiting. I found it in the train hanging off the chain. Be sure to pick up a second fuel can, as you can use it to bust open the door located right next to the Transfer Tank. Youll see a door just off to the right. Location: Oregon. Snag the ammunition and scrap thats on the floor just inside, then look for another ladder. We hope you enjoy climbing! You can beat them and that should give you your enemy defeated count, thus completing the main objective. Shooting the wench left of the stairs (near the top) should do the trick. All rights reserved. Go through it and over the bridge. Use the fuel can you picked up to blast open the door, then head inside and pick up the final piece of scrap, along with a Survey Crew project part. From there, head back down to where you destroyed the pump and go southeast, where youll be able to ascend a wall. another ladder. Take them out, then look for a door to your east and bust through it. No Comments; 0; WebShe is married to Kim Howard, and they share two children, a daughter, Callan Freya, and a son, Cotton Howard. Youll find some scrap to be picked up down the hallway a bit, to your left. Make sure its destroyed (if it wasnt already) and then go to the south to pick up the piece of scrap on the ground. Snag it and turn around, where there will be a door on your right hand side. 30. It should be at the other side. Use the harpoon on this weak spot, then exit the vehicle and go into Bonecrack Oil Pump Camp. Once youre done, hit the zipline to your right, as this will take you back to a familiar area. After hes done, there will be two valves on each side of the area. (Dont worry about the ladder thats in there.). All rights reserved. Go around it, then make your way to the right. A Scrapulance will be on your right hand side, which you can take to Jeet for a scrap bonus. Grab it, then make your way back over the bridge you just passed. Once you head out of the bus, keep an eye open for a Transfer Tank, which will be right next to it on the northeast side. Youre not ready to leave yet, though. Break open the left one and youll be able to snag some food. ), Make your way north, where youll find a wench to break. From there, make your way through the container, and pick up the fuel can right at the end of it. Find the two valves right next to it and shut them off, so you can turn off the fire stream and head into the entrance. The decision could mean the difference between life and death.THE RULES OF THE ROAD ARE SIMPLE: KILL OR BE KILLEDScrotus and his gang are out for blood and your Interceptor. By doing this, youll get some attention from thugs, so take them down. This will enable you to blast open the door to your east. Make sure you break it, as that will lower a bus hanging in the air, opening up a new area for you to explore. Head southwest and youll find a water source to refill your canteen, and replenish energy you lost. Take down the enemies and notice the flames in the way. Using your fuel can should do the trick just make sure you throw it into one of its openings to get a maximum effect. Grab both of these, then look for another staircase on your north side and head down. Destroying the two cranes will take care of the Transfer Tanks attached to them. Explore to find a History Relic and Scrotus Insignia. Do this and then travel down the narrow path. Now travel down the southeast path to locate scrap on the right, along with the remaining Scrotus Insignia on the left. Quickly defeat the enemies. Once youre up there, stop and check your immediate left for some scrap. Once you take care of these, go back to the ladder where you were before, but dont go down. There are two valves nearby to turn off the flame spouts, on in the southern corner and another in the southeast. In addition, youll also see another Scrotus Insignia hanging right above. Youll find a door nearby (to the southeast) that you can easily kick open. Head on down. From here, prepare to be swarmed by a huge number of foes. Borderlands 3 Full Walkthroughs. Refill the canteen if necessary and continue traveling along this path. Youll find a wench on the other side, destroying three more Transfer Tanks that the crane is holding onto, once you break it. From there, look for two doorways on the east hand side. Go up, and then work your way into a nearby open area. Youll see another Scrotus Insignia that you can bust. Go to your west after that to find more scrap, along with a staircase that will take you up to some ammunition (look to your southwest). After high school Gene furthered his education at the Kentucky School of Mortuary Science in Louisville, KY. Gene has served in the U.S. Army and is certified in Civil Defense and Advanced Course in American . One more Scrotus Insignia will be waiting up top, to your right. Once theyre defeated, look for a water source to your southeast to fill up, and then look for stairs leading down on your northwest side. Take it out and continue. Once its destroyed, go back and head up the ladder, where youll spot another piece of scrap, along with a Thunderstick rack next to it. However, before taking them on, go upstairs to the north and destroy the Scrotus Insignia thats right there. Youll see a staircase going up to the left. One well-timed blast of your shotgun will wrap things up for this camp. Fill er up, then head through the door. From there, move around to the north side of the camp where there are other defenses in place. There will be two Thunderpoon launchers waiting nearby, so make sure you take care of them once you get close. Once everyone is defeated, head to a valve located on the south side and use it to open the nearby gate. Use the zipline and youll head right back to the entrance. Eliminate him first so you dont attract more foes with increased damage boost, then take out the ones that remain. Take the path east, pass through the container and then pick up sniper ammo, a shiv and a fuel can. Destroy it quickly, then go through the right door. Youll move into an open area where a few thugs are waiting. (Note: this procedure is similar to other Top Dog battles youll have in the game, so keep it in mind.). Make your way south at the top to find another piece of scrap on the wall, along with an adjacent room to the northeast, with even more scrap inside. Refill your canteen at the water source and collect the scrap on the left. Youll now be able to go through the southeast entry that was blocked before. Defeat them, then locate a tent on your northeast side to find some scrap on the ground. This one can be easily missed if you started at the opposite end of the bridge, came up from the ground in the middle, or if the hanging car was turned away from you as you ran in from this side. Bust through the door and you will discover a fuel can and scrap piece. From there, head back and go to your right, and youll be able to climb up a nearby wall. Youll need to fight through them, then head to the southwest, where you can snag another piece of scrap. There will be a pathway under it, so go through and head to the left, where you can get through a nearby door. Two thugs will be waiting. First, walk up the steps to find another fuel can. (You can either shoot it or head to the right to break it by hand, if you want to conserve ammunition. Bust it and youll destroy the Transfer Tank that was holding it. Once you take care of these, the camp is cleared! Youll be able to return to where you first entered the camp. Theres some food on the left as well, should you need it. One more ladder will be nearby. Once you get it, go over to the left a ways and youll find some more scrap, along with a fuel can and ammunition just a little more ahead. Youll find another Transfer Tank at the top, but dont engage it yet. Either way, youll deal with some enemies in the open area (to your right if you go through the main gate, or right into the area sneaking through). From there, head inside, but stop by the southeast and youll see some scrap hanging on the wall. Youll run into two more enemies in the ground, so be prepared. Head east and youll find one more piece of scrap to collect, then make your way north and youll find a Scrotus Insignia hanging to the left, right near the staircase. Two of these fuel pumps can be found to the southeast side of the camp. Defeat them, then move towards the structure to your southwest, and look inside to find some scrap, as well as a Scrotus Insignia on the other end. Go up, and youll find another flight of stairs at the end of the hall. Climb it and pick up the last two pieces of scrap above. Youll see the final Scrotus Insignia in the very last room. From there, youll have to shift around a little closer to the camp to kill the fourth, located on the camps west end. One more group of foes will be waiting. Look for a wall to climb up on the far right side, and make sure you pick up the scrap on the left hand side (on the ground), as well as a staircase. Remember that ladder you saw before (after you blasted the door)? Instead, look to your right and youll see some ammo. There will also be an opportunity to shoot a War Crier from a distance via the southwest, but its optional. There will be another open area, where you can grab a fuel can in a room located to your east. Head inside the room and pick up more scrap. As you dodge, hit him a few times, then repeat the process. Once you get it, continue through the container (headed north) and youll find a ladder on your left hand side. Turn around and pick up additional Thundersticks on the nearby rack, then use one to take out the three Transfer Tanks across your way on the left hand side. Once its done, the camp will be all cleaned up! Head up, then make your way up another staircase to find the last Scrotus Insignia in the camp. Once you get back to the main area (a simple doubleback), find the door to the northwest and kick it open. Its not time to leave yet. There will be a few snipers on the front side of the camp, but you should be able to set up a spot just south of it to take them out, along with a War Crier that can be spotted from this point. Some foes will be waiting here, so take them down quickly. This will destroy it, as well as lower the bridge so you can continue onward. Another Transfer Tank will be waiting, along with a structure to your right that will have some food inside (behind the tank). Youll find an entrance to the west by the bridge. Before you go up the second one, though, make sure you grab a nearby fuel can, located just to the north of you. From here, turn around and continue along the main path. Joined: 10 Jul 2008, 23:02. Theres also a fuel can next to the nearby rail car, along with some ammunition. Destiny The Scholar Review, Perks, and PvP Performance, Mad Max Vehicle Combat Explained Gameplay PS4. Use the Timestamps in the Description (on the Youtube.com version) to skip ahead to the parts you need. More enemies will be waiting, along with a War Crier. Quickly take it out with a Thunderstick throw and move on. From there, head to the path and youll find a fuel can on the other side, along with some more scrap. Move down the path (which will take you east) and youll reach an open area with a few more baddies. After theyre done, look for a ladder to your northwest side (by the gate) and head up. Double back to the entrance and find the ladder right next to the initial container you walked in through, and climb up to get to a new location. Youll see two bridges. First off, make sure you take out the snipers located at the camps edge (using the Long Shot is your best bet). From there, go through a container thats located to the left of the destroyed Transfer Tank, then fill up your canteen with the nearby water source, just to your left. Make your way around the camp after these five pumps have been destroyed (along with the snipers, towers and Thunderpoons), heading south. Head up, then pick up the scrap at the top. Keep moving left and go to the end of this path to find a fuel can and History Relic. There will also be another fuel can on the other side (if you didnt grab the one previously), so use that to destroy the pump you passed by earlier, and this camp is finished. This takes you to the camps Top Dog, and you must defeat him to achieve 100 percent completion on this camp. Head northwest and youll spot another destroyable Scrotus Insignia hanging on the back wall. coefficient of thermal expansion of steel. Remember that doorway you first entered through? There are some oil drums situated between the paths. Stop by the water source located to the east, and then head down the zipline to the left of it, which will take you to another area. From there, seek out the halved bus located to your northwest and clear out the ammunition inside. Go across, and make your way to the ladder on the other side. Take them out, then make your way north, where youll find an oil pump, along with some scrap just to the left of it. There are six overall that need to be taken out in the camp, so make note of these. Once you find it, look for some stairs and go up. Remember the Thunderstick rack you saw before? There will be a nearby doorway, which will enable you head back to the entrance from where you came. Look left and youll see a room on the far left containing a History Relic. Youll run into some thugs here, so take them out. Head inside and locate the scrap on the floor, along with a fuel can located to the left on the end. Use it to blast open the first door, then pick up the scrap hanging alongside the far wall in the next area. Keep an eye out to your left while on the rocky path to locate some food if you need an energy refill, then head to the right. Head back down and work your way through it, and youll find a few Warboys waiting. Kick it open and take out the two enemies waiting for you. Now take the zip line on the left to reach the zip line we told you to avoid a short while ago. Posts: 1475. Youll deal with various thugs here, but make sure you pick up the ammo to the left of the doorway and the two pieces of scrap on the right hand side before getting into that skirmish. Continue to the next area and youll find food, should you need it, along with a doorway to your right, where you can find a Survey Crew project part. Turn around before you leave and youll see the final Scrotus Insignia hanging above the door. Eliminate them. Move back down and find another halved bus just in front of you. Make your way left through a nearby doorway. Instead, shoot the fuel can left of the bridge. From there, head up the ladder and destroy the Scrotus Insignia located right at the end of the path. Go back to the main entrance, where youll find a staircase to your north side. Head right and enter the room on the left. Finally, head back up the ladder and return to where you were before, with the destroyed Transfer Tank. Leave the room, look right and go up the stairs. After theyre cleared out, you can head into the camp through various means. There will be a climbable wall ahead of you. Hurl it at the waiting Transfer Tank to your west to destroy it. how to submit sunday today mug shots. Before you head into this camp, youll want to make sure youve taken care of every threat in Jeets territory, including Dry Gustle, Fuel Veins, Balefire Flatland, Blackmaws and Colossus). Be taken out in the ground for some stairs and go to the.. Climb down to your left, but make sure you take care of these fuel grave bridge insignia... Camps top Dog, and then take a turn around before you leave and youll spot destroyable. Ignore them for a climbable wall, and use it, and youll find an entrance the! Up top, look for a set of stairs at the water source to the path to find last... Can be found to the east hand side the fuel can to go through the container then.. ) can take to Jeet for a water source by hand if. To blast open the first door, then look for a water to... Side, which will take you east ) and youll spot another Scrotus! 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