Sorry for so much criticism it is just my Czech/Moravian opinion on the subject. 2 Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback 1-03-2023 Mutually Intelligible? For Macedonian without knowledge of other Slavic languages is also difficult to understand all the words which come from Russian and which are not current in Macedonian. Russian influence only ended in 1878. Czechs are more urbane. A number of native speakers of various Slavic lects were interviewed about mutual intelligibility, language/dialect confusion, the state of their language, its history and so on. Spanish is also partially mutually intelligible with Italian, Sardinian and French, with respective lexical similarities of 82%, 76% and 75%. I have read a book from Fraenkel/Kramer I believe or something similar, which said (according to some empiry) that Macedonians were easily switching to Serbian in comparison to Slovenes who stuck to their language in the time of Yugoslavia. It is important to note that the idea of this paper was try to test "pure inherent intelligibility." A pure inherent intelligibility test would involve a couple of things. > Much of the claimed intelligibility was simply bilingual learning. Complicating the picture is the fact that many Ukrainians are bilingual and speak Russian also. Woof woof! Maybe it is true for two persons from the opposite end of the dialect continium (Hrvatsko Zagorje and Strumica), that have never been out of their villages and try to communicate on their respective native dialects. Also akavian has some elements of its own. Czechs claim only 10-15% intelligibility of Polish. the copula is mostly the same (sm/si/e/smo/ste/su vs. sum/si/e/sme/ste/se) The claim for separate languages is based more on politics than on linguistic science. But the language isnt problem. Ability of speakers of two language varieties to understand the other, As a criterion for identifying separate languages, List of languages sometimes considered varieties, List of dialects or varieties sometimes considered separate languages, Alexander M. Schenker. akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. In addition, the Slobozhan dialects of Ukrainian and Russian such as (Slobozhan Ukrainian and Slobozhan Russian) spoken in Kantemirov (Voronezhskaya Oblast, Russia), and Kuban Russian or Balachka spoken in the Kuban area right over the eastern border of Ukraine are very close to each other. I always aske her about whether she understands Bulgarian and Serbian and she claims Serbian is way closer to her language rather than Bulgarian. She didnt have any problem following. She doesn't speak any Polish so it's going to be an interesting challenge. That movie doesnt have subtitle in Serbia but I think its a big mistake. (j/k) They say, ~60%, ~65%, etc. ENGLISH: Bulgarian language is an Indo-European language from the group of South-Slavic languages. Re: Rus/Ukr Its true that Slavic languages are not intelligible in the taking-the-first-person-from-the-street-and-making-them-listen-to-a-random-conversation way, that is, an average Slavic speaker with an untrained ear and little to no exposure to other Slavic languages will have difficulty understanding other Slavic languages. Kids speak both languages, as well as English, fluently. Some Russians and Bulgarians say they understand almost nothing of the other language. But islanders more often say Mi povidamo na nau or domau. Polish is the most incomprehensible Slavic language for other Slavs, both spoken and written. Most of the Ukrainian speakers who do not speak Russian are in Canada at the moment. But despite similarities in grammar and vocabulary and almost identical alphabets, they differ sharply in many ways and are not mutually intelligible. FluentU brings a language to life with real-world videos. I confess to not being a linguist, and therefore didnt see past the problematic sentence It consists of at least four major dialects, Ekavian Chakavian, spoken on the Istrian Peninsula, Ikavian Chakavian, spoken in southwestern Istria, the islands of Bra, Hvar, Vis, Korula, and olta, the Peljeac Peninsula, the Dalmatian coast at Zadar, the outskirts of Split and inland at Gacka, Middle Chakavian, which is Ikavian-Ekavian transitional, and Ijekavian Chakavian, spoken at the far southern end of the Chakavian language area on Lastovo Island, Janjina on the Peljeac Peninsula, and Bigova in the far south near the border with Montenegro. In my opinion Czech and Slovak mutual intelligibility is not heavily exaggerated but actually very underrated(or some opposite word of exagerated, sorry for my poor english). 10%? The intelligibility of Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian is highly controversial, and intelligibility studies are in order. Below is an incomplete list of fully and partially mutually intelligible languages, that are so similar that they are sometimes considered not to be separate, but merely varieties of the same language. Macedonain and Serbo-Croatian being 25% inteligible is simply not true. Ukrainian 15 % spoken, 25 % written Therefore, for the moment, there are five separate Croatian languages: Shtokavian Croatian, Kajkavian Croatian, Chakavian Croatian, Molise Croatian, and Burgenland Croatian. Go back to your kennel. Czechs hardly ever study at Slovak universities. And yes, comprehension has suffered since Czechoslovakia broke up, due to lack of exposure. It was formerly thought to be a Slovenian dialect, but some now think it is more properly a Kajkavian dialect. Nevertheless Ukrainian intelligibility of Russian is hard to calculate because presently there are few Ukrainians in Ukraine who do not speak Russian. | Animals | Slavic Languages Comparison The Best Online German Learning Resources Ukrainian phrases Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher. Greg, Kaikavian is dialect of Slovenian language. The Chinese language, on the other hand, is comprised of a number of dialects that arent always mutually intelligible. Slovenian while it sounds slavic to me is not intelligible at all save for a few words here and there. Check out his page on the FBI 10 most wanted website. Torlakian (considered a subdialect of Serbian Old Shtokavian by some) has significant mutual intelligibility with Macedonian and Bulgarian. However, the Croatian macrolanguage has strange lects that Standard Croatian (tokavian) cannot understand. Hello everyone, I use Wikipedia as a reference for new languages that Wikipedia misses, like the 4 Croatian languages. How much Slovene can your average Chakavian speaker understand? I am a native Czech speaker, I understand Slovak (a lot of exposure, many visits, many colleagues) and Russian (studied at school, many visits) in all three languages I am close 100% understanding of news, yet for Polish, Ukrainian and Croat I would rate my understanding at 15-20%, with no significant improvement just from being in the country (I have spent in total about 20 weeks in Croatia, 4 in Ukraine, 3 in Poland). Molise Croatian is not intelligible with Standard Croatian. Macedonian and Bulgarian are fairly similar but they are not close to being fully mutually intelligible. Slobozhan Ukrainian speakers in this region find it easier to understand their Russian neighbors than the Upper DnistrianUkrainian spoken in the far west in the countryside around Lviv. Southern Slovak on the Hungarian border has a harder time understanding Polish because they do not hear it much. I use Ethnologues list of languages and dialects, but extend it a bit. Belarussian almost completely comprehensible, except a few words. But other results that included Czech and Bulgarian were very poor. If you're russian you understand the meaning of what other is saying to a degree of around 80%. My gues. However, the Ser-Drama-Lagadin-Nevrokop dialect in northeastern Greece and southern Bulgaria and the Maleevo-Pirin dialect in eastern Macedonia and western Bulgaria are transitional between Bulgarian and Macedonian. but the two languages are more different than some people think. Lets say a young Czech goes to Slovakia without prior exposure to Slovak. The Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family is known for its languages being relatively closely related. Some simple words as Zboruva talk were not understood by a Bulgarian and I was obliged to use the word govori so that I adapted my Macedonian to get understood, although we seldom say govori. Communication about such things is significantly impaired at this level. Ni Torlak uses a definite suffix, -ta/-to/-ti/-te/-ta (, but less frequently than Macedonian does, and only in the nominative; it doesnt have a distance contrast as it does in standard Macedonian but it isnt even present in Serbian to begin with German is partially mutually intelligible with Yiddish and Dutch. It is sometimes used as an important criterion for distinguishing languages from dialects, although sociolinguistic factors are often also used. Are Polish and Ukrainian mutually intelligible? Ukrainians and Belarusians understand each other's languages with no problem. The Czech law even states that Slovak language can be used in schools and in official documents. In its written form Bulgarian is even more different than in its spoken form. Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family. Nared s osnovnata, izpolzovana v Balgarija, saestvuvat oe makedonska norma, kojato sao izpolzva kirilica, i banatska norma, kojata izpolzva latinica. Most Croatian linguists recognized Kajkavian as a separate language. The grammars of sign languages do not usually resemble those of spoken languages used in the same geographical area; in fact, in terms of syntax, ASL shares more with spoken Japanese than it does with English. Hag_Boulder 9 mo. but they are often mutually intelligible. [2], Because of the difficulty of imposing boundaries on a continuum, various counts of the Romance languages are given; in The Linguasphere register of the worlds languages and speech communities David Dalby lists 23 based on mutual intelligibility:[13]. Polish is spoken outside of Poland by Polish diaspora groups in countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Is Ukrainian mutually intelligible with Polish? However, the Torlak Serbians can understand Macedonian well, as this is a Serbo-Croatian dialect transitional to both languages. Is there any particular method to determine this? Grammar, on the other hand, is a different matter altogether. Tunisian Arabic is also considered mutually intelligible with Maltese, particularly with regards to idiomatic expressions. In other cases, I had to rely on the context. Serbo-Croatian has only 20% intelligibility of Ukrainian. . Czechs say Lach is a part of Czech, and Poles say Lach is a part of Polish. For instance, West Palesian is a transitional Belarussian dialect to Ukrainian. Although most words are in fact different, they are largely similar, being cognates, which makes both languages mutually intelligible to a significant extent; . In writing, however, Scots language looks similar to English (albeit with some spelling variations). This is because colloquial Ukrainian is closer to the Ukrainian spoken in the Soviet era which had huge Russian influence. I can illustrate it on the video posted above Vojnata vo Bosna. In the Kievan Rus', Russian and Ukrainian were dialects of the same language, meaning that they were largely mutually intelligible with only minor vocabulary or grammatical differences. Polish lacks full intelligibility of Silesian, although this is controversial (see below). Yet there is a dialect continuum between Slovenian and Kajkavian. I can understand anyone who speaks English, even those who speak it as foreigners might say too fast. These are 33 brand new symbols that you'd have . Belic) maybe do not understand Macedonian so well as Macedonian the Serbian language do (because of the according to you Bilingual learning . Belarussian is nonetheless a separate language from both Ukrainian and Russian. Save. Cheers brothers and sisters! Chakavian and Kajkavian have high, but not full mutual intelligibility. OMG! No there is not. Slovak is closely related to Czech, to the point of mutual intelligibility to a very high degree, as well as Polish.Like other Slavic languages, Slovak is a fusional language with a complex system of morphology and relatively flexible word order. If you choose to learn a language which is at least to some extent mutually intelligible to a language you already know . I can grasp only something in the sense that these four periods have different names and that they dont designate different languages (delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici), but only periods of the development of Bulgarian (samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik), with typical changes or features (za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi).