Enter the third hut and talk to the man behind the bars. Choose a mix of single and multi damage spells. Exit Ghalarah and take the dirt path. First talk to Harald about graduation (side quest no.11) and then go to the hall of advanced students of sorcery (located to the left of the sword singer hall). This is your first fight. This is the first title in the Aveyond series, following the prologue, Ahriman's Prophecy. Start walking to your right from there, then up till you find another door. Enter the cave to your north. There is a chest containing a salmon near the beach. You will find Rhens level increased by 5 from her previous level. Enter the library and a blue chest inside a small room will yield a treasure map. So when I say go back by two screens it means that starting from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the previous of this area through the passages you have followed. You enter the mountain through the gate marked as entrance in the screenshot: Follow the arrow direction to the next area. Once Lorad is defeated go and talk to Harald. This time take the right passage. The game starts with a cutscene. Open it to get a pick lock (you have already purchased one). Get back one screen and go to the area where the road first branched out. You have to be fast and walk in the passage when the ball is moving away from you. From now on you can heal Rhen and her party for free here till you graduate. Remember this place as you will need to come back here later. Press the first switch and continue till you see another moving ball. 30) Who tried to assassinate the king-talk to the main thieve in blue robe in the thiefs cave. Open the chest on your way to get a covey balm and keep walking till you reach near frozen statues of people. You are given some instructions and the location of Rhens dads house. Check out our strategy guide and walkthrough for Aveyond. Collect the haunch from the chest. Fight the banshee queen and after that you will see that she dropped something. Heal and save before you enter the undergrounds. Use the Dreamers Tear on the shrine stone and a rainbow bridge will form. Find your skudder and set off for the southern isle (refer world map). The switch near the door will reset the puzzle if you mess up. He will give you a world map. From the gates of the school go down to the sandstone cave (marked with a red box in lowlands map). The chest in that room is locked and will available later in the game. They cast sleep spells so equip proper accessories just in case you face them. You will get your quest list (side quest 4 and 5). 8584 aveyond-rhens-quest 1 0 2 4. You are transported to another room. You can buy a manor for 5000 gold pennies from him in Sedona. Talk to the squirrels, you will find birds seed in a corner. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Now return to veldt. From there go to Tea cup town. Our walkthrough will give you the tips and tricks needed to defeat the evil Ahriman in no time. Enter the passage to get the sword of might. Go to the place where you had parked your boat. 2 2 of this map: Follow the arrow direction to the exit, the chests of this area has 700 gold pennies and 750 gold pennies. Enter his house and talk about the locked gate. The ice spell scrolls works wonders against him. Read the paper on the small table. Leveling up would help you fight difficult bosses with ease. Solve dozens of adventure puzzles and explore an enchanting world. Return to the dragon in southern isles and voila, you have a new flying vehicle! The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. 20), Gretchen 1) Make her ugly again (side quest no. You will find the bean seed has grown into a tree. Now we need to go to the thieves cave (refer the peninsula map for its location). Each active party member gains one level for free. Walk up to the signpost in the highland and proceed north. Now your next destination is Shadow Wood academy in Veldarah (side quest no.8). The chests here yield covey balm, plate armor, chain whip, 150 gold pennies, haunch, 300 gold pennies and 600 gold pennies. Walk to the signpost of the eastern isle and go south from there. He is a mini boss, though not related to the main quest. Talk to the ghosts there, they will trigger a quest (side quest no.36). Stop an evil queen from turning the world into ice, capture a dragon and ride the winds to ancient lands, unite the kingdoms and discover your destiny. Equip the best gears and then go ahead for the final showdown. Take Vata's soul and go to Memory Caverns. Dig the grave in his backward to find an iron shield. Very useful for walkthrough makers like us?. There are also some villagers who will either give you important information or are the key to some future quests. Go to Herbertsons market and upgrade party armors and weapons. Give the stinkrot root to Gretchen. Buy it and refer the Aveyond map to locate Lambchops treasure marked as L in the screenshot below: Take your path to cave 1 from the teacup town, enter it and take the exit to the right side; you will end up in front of cave3 of the map. Since Rhen doesnt have a high level thats why it is recommended that you avoid the enemies in the wilderness (except for the solitary spiders may be which are easy to fight) or else you will get killed easily. You will find two skudder parking points here, one will lead to a dragon and the other leads to the desert. Open the chest to your left to get a covey balm. After you reach Dirkon, open the chest (see peninsula map) to get steel boots. Exit through the gate and youll find a chest containing studded armor. Go outside and enter the hole in the grave. It leads to a small room with a chest. There you will find a chest containing bronze rod. Before leaving Lands End, talk to Eldredth and ask her to plant the bean seeds. The trick is: 1) Equip Lars with the Cloak of Invisibility. Use the slide thrust spell to knock them off at once one at the time. Quest complete. There are three rats in total. Now back to the Halloween hills again and go to the pet shop. Talk to the oracle and get the stronghold key from Eithera. From there, walk south. Finally talk to the queen in the palace. You can collect 4 flowers from there and the last one can be found here: walk up to the cave which you ignored before and enter it. Enter the sun shrine and talk to oracle. Anyways walk down one screen and talk to the house mistress Rona. We need to go to Velgerds house: Follow the arrow directions to Velgerds house. Go back to your Rhens house in dads room, talk to dad and watch the conversation. Go there. Enter the ladder beside it to find another chest containing skull rapier. Buy as many healing and regenerative items as possible, heal up and save before you go to the Stronghold temple (inside demon caves of southern isle desert). Dont go down, take the north-western path and keep moving till you reach a bridge. The northern area yields a chest containing cutlass. 4) Then go to Aveyond and dig up the dirt pile to retrieve mugwort. After walking a bit, look to your left to find a chest containing 1 covey balm. Climb the two sets long ladders once you are outside. Now follow the path on your front from the entrance till you see a chest (contains haunch). Enter and you will find three fairies. He is Harald, the principal. Carry on till you come across a mushroom creature sitting there. From there walk up to the spot marked as L in the map. Walk to your left and climb down the stairs and cross the bridge again and enter the cave. You can switch it off from the inventory again. Cross the bridge and dig up the dirt pile to retrieve winged boots. The chest has one spry amulet. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Cross the bridge and walk northwards. Enter it. In the gentle children school, go upstairs and talk to Theodore in the bedroom. It has two flame spells. Important Note Now before we set forth for our final showdown lets get some errands done. Enter the place. The location of this goodie is shown in the screenshot below. Get some cheese and traveling runes to Brumwich from the item shop. Also some extra items and equipments will show in his shop. It will yield an auquifolium extora. See what he has to say. Now make your way to the palace. The treasure room has 5 emerald, two sapphires, one golden armor and a battle axe. Refer the peninsular map to find the location of the nightingale. Enter the first pillar and go up the ladder. The location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. You can now make Teijal/Galalad wear it as an accessory, it will increase her attack and defense by 50%. Simply hold down the Ctrl and "F" keys together, and enter. Always open the chests if you find any, they will yield useful items. Go north first and get the chain mail from the chest. Explore the area and you will be assigned a number of quests by the people here. They contain 1 covey balm and 850 gold pennies. Exit and now go to gentle childrens school. Our community has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the Aveyond saga, and it's heartwarming to see those resources shared with the world. Get back one screen and exit that cave. Pass through the door. Follow the white path in the eastern isle map to find the exit to the world map. I wont say where they located but I will mention in which places you can find them. I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough. . See the various spots marked on the map to collect the following items from this area- magic kettle, 1 cover balm and 3300 gold pennies. This is the memory cavern. If youve already taken the slippers from grazilda in new witchwood, give it to her. Go through the door to his north and then take the right passage. Talk to the man and watch the event. And also it would be better if you use the god goodie near the game ending because leveling up at higher levels are time consuming and tiresome. You can also buy pets and keep them in your manor (there are three pet shops in total, one in Halloween Hills, another in sedona and the last one will be talked about later). Now fight the main boss, Ahriman. but first you'll have to do a little quest for sedona's king. Now come back to the bridge, cross it and proceed onwards. The rightmost coffin in the second row reveals a secret passage. Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. Now explore the desert area to discover 3 more chests; they contain 1 covey balm, 350 pennies and skull helmet. Return to the cave and Walk to your left and go down to the exit from where you entered. Choose your reward-gauss shield spell or the cloak of invisibility. Enter Rhens house and talk to her father, observe what he says carefully. Explore Thais thoroughly; talk to Hector and try to take his torch, he agrees to give it on one condition (see side quest no.46). You will get a student outfit. At least he still has Fang, his loyal storm wolf. Talk to them and they will join your party as friends. On your way open the chest to get 1 covey balm. After talking to Talia, get out of the house and talk to Rhens dad. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest (walkthrough) Walkeekie 33 videos 100,986 views Last updated on Jun 2, 2014 Walkthrough of "Aveyond: Rhen's Quest" Play all Shuffle 1 3:55 01 Aveyond:. Take the plant from her and offer it on the altar at Mt Orion cave system. You will be presented an in-game message. You may get a quest from here later as well as one of the druids shrine is located here, so remember this place. Lets go back to see what is it. Walk to your east till you see another ladder. Now go to the house behind the place where you met Lars for the first time. He will allow you to take the torch. You can talk to the red haired man Lorad. Restore King Lionel life in Oldwood R. If you want to chat informally with other gamers who are playing Aveyond & other games like Aveyond, head on over and join us! Talk to the chef of the ball room and he will also give you a quest (side quest no.29). On talking to the fairies they will heal your party for free. Go to Aveyond and select your reward- the Climbing Guide or Cooking Guide. Take Eithera in your party and then return to Aveyond (Note: you cant use the runes inside lamp land, you have to walk back to the entry point). Climb the ladder and cross two bridges. And since monsters are tougher here it is advised that you dont wander around aimlessly. Keep it for the later times. 2. Explore the mine and open the blue chest to find an iron sword?. Talk to the cat-Lambchop standing beside it. Come back to the bridge, cross it and walk up northward and exit via the cave passage. Really worth having! She will give you a quest to find sun block cream. Give him the eye and he will unlock the door. Release date: 24-Jan-2008, File Size:147kb. Enter that cave to find serpent amulet from a chest. (there is a bug in the Build 2 of Aveyond 1 where if you plant the seed the boat will not take you to the other side and move about randomly. Talk to Dameon in the shrine, he will join you if you choose ask for help. If you are new to RPG-style games then you can always go to options to know more about the game controls and moving your character. Make Lars wear the cloak of undying loyalty and then fight it. 1. There are 4600 gold pennies, a book page, 6000 gold pennies, beast repellant, blessed shield, salmon and an elixir in this area and some locked in chests. Size: 3.4MB. The skill list and their functions are as follows: The areas in the wilderness are quite easy and I would recommend to explore it in all possible directions. Walk up to the dead end with a chest. to trigegr this quest you must have already been to the thieves cave sotuh of sedona. I sleep by day, feast by night, Im allergic to the sun, what am I? Explore the Halloween hills to look for the stinkrot root. See what happens. The chests from this area yields haunch, apple, 300 gold pennies and 150 gold pennies. Before leaving to the following area, see the locations of the chests and collect the items from them; you will get- enchanted helmet, bone shield, crusher (best bow for Teijal), gargoyle whip (best whip for Elini), cloak of death and mithra shield (best shield). After walking for a sometime you will come across an elevated platform with a chest. You can also upgrade your weapons and star amulets. Buy armors for Elini and buy lots of hp and mp healing items. Follow the events carefully. Head north a bit to find the teacup town. Now lets go for our next quest: saving the second druid. Ignore it for the time being and enter the cave to your right. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Items that can be retrieved from the chests of this area are: 120 gold pennies, 45 gold pennies and 1 apple. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest Ejindro is a ghost town in the world of Aveyond. Now there are two uses of this statue. Return to Clearwater and talk to Danny and the game ends. I can walk by day and night. Proceed towards the north of the village and you will come across another chest containing haunch. That area is almost linear with a chest on your way to the other end. At this point talk to Mad Marge of the Sour Ale tavern and she would like to join you for 2000 gold. The art dealer Frederick will give you a quest (side quest no.28). Similarly the exit route in the next room is very simple, so go onto the next room. Get back to the door entrance and walk to your right this time. You need a ticket and ball gown to enter the ball room. While replaying you will know that what would happen if you talk to someone which can trigger some unexpected events, so you may like to finish the other quests before you proceed. Return to the druids shrine in Lands End. You need to come back over here later. Start looking for the dirt piles. In the next room, go through the door shown in the screenshot: Enter the door that you come across first in the following room and get 150 gold pennies from the chest. Now since youve captured the fairy in your bottle you can go to the mountain king in Thornkeep. Dont explore the mines for now. gameboyman56. We will refer to this place later. Return to Rona and report. Gate Sends 1 enemy through the demon gate, TAKING TALIA TO THE SUN SHRINE IN AVEYOND. Go to the shadow wood academy, talk to Harald and he will give you graduation certificate. If you have an elixir in your inventory then just exit the house and enter again. So use the spells wisely. To your right is the mule express. Cross the bridge, keep walking and exit through the passage. Buy all the spells from the alchemist shop and select them from the inventory to make Lars learn them. Simply hold down the Ctrl and "F" keys together, and enter. Since you already have collected the book pages from all over the world, therefore you can give them to him. The other goodies are: All Guilds-Use this goodie to get all Guild Spellbooks for Lars. Then only she will give you her lamp. Download Aveyond 1 - Rhen's Quest Walktrough.pdf. Press enter or action button to obtain it: After you get the rune goodie you will be able to buy traveling runes from shops. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. That is what we are looking for-the cloak of undying loyalty. when you've finished the quest the bottle will be in the shop. Walk up to the temple and touch Daenas soul to his statue. Go up to the northern area to retrieve a quail egg on the ground. Cross it to the other side and enter the shrine. What Ill do is put up the screenshots of where you should go and from which place. Other Goodies: Other goodes arent included in the game, but they can be downloaded from the Aveyond website, and you need to replace some game files. 1. Return to Gretchen, she will reward you a shovel. Then cross the long bridge and go up the ladder you first come across. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. You are in Oldwoods. Walkthrough Category page. Choose to fight to see the real ending. Climb down two ladders till you reach a small chamber. Pass through the door to face another puzzle. the location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. It will yield 10000 gold pennies! There is only one chest (250 gold pennies) in the first area marked in the screenshot. He seeks to do this by using his demonic allies to capture the druids who can unlock the Sword of Shadows and by sending Dameon to enlist Rhen's trust. Now refer the world map and fly to Mysten Far. You may also come back later to learn them, but for now you must get one at least. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up. Episode 17 Getting the key for Manor in Sedona. The white lady roaming around is Indra, kill her to get Daenas soul. Aveyond 2 is packed with monsters, magic, and humor. Follow the dirt path till you reach a ladder; climb up and keep following the dirt path till you reach another ladder. Enter that cave. You will get the reward only on one condition-you have to let someone join your party. Our Aveyond 2 Walkthrough contains everything you need in order to play this unforgettable adventure game. (NOTE: whenever you reach a new place, dont forget to buy new weapons and armors). If you select no way then you have to talk to him again and select of course. You will end up on the world map. If you do so then only you will have access to the kings treasure room on the right. Enter the first chamber, you will have a choice between a bag of silver coins and sun block cream. Now back to business. The house beside the weapons house has a second floor to it. Then Walk to your right into the cave. You will see a ladder going down. Lets get Tidbits quest done quickly. If you select the climbing guide, go to your inventory and select it to learn the climbing skill. Enter it and after climbing up the ladder Walk to your right. Released: 24-Jan-2008, File Size: 2.19 MB. Similarly all the other important or unimportant quests are listed in the journal. Each cubicle has a note on the wall. Cross the bridge and exit through the cave passage. Talk to the queen and observe the conversation. Keep walking till you reach a rounded cliff with a lake in front from where you can go either northwards or southwards. Thats the snow queens castle. Return to the ladder and enter the cave; exit from the other end. The Elite Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined the necromancer guild then you can join here.