You have to send signals all the way out to the toes and all the way back. This is something even Albert Einstein himself couldn't quite figure out, he was struggling to understand how the force of gravity works, and it was a big, big puzzle. On Mondays, listeners call in for a live version of the popular Instagram series "Questions with Nick." Yeah, we would see each other around at parties. She probably had photographs of herself that she signed. What a peculiar place to have a. This is Radio Lab, and today, today, we're falling in many different flavors and we're at number three. Are you ready to skydive? And please let us know about your favorite podcasts . 27, 2014 Arts In February of 1979, a small plane crashed onto an icy slope high in the San Gabriel mountains, ultimately leaving three people dead. And then she shoots out again through the buoyancy of the barrel, about 15 feet in the air. May 26, 2022 When Aric Allen was 21, he lived in a desolate mountain cabin for 10 weeks. It was a leap. And they sort of stretch out like a flying squirrel. And so eventually it's your head and multiple other parts. And so. And who wouldn't be? They're sort of like particles that just kept colliding in the lobby of the dorm on the sidewalk. That make people even crazier. Podcast Republic is one of the most popular podcast platforms on the world serving 1M+ podcasts and 500M+ episodes worldwide. You know, as college students, what are the most common dreams that you have? And Annie shows up, waving to the crowd, wearing a very fancy Victorian dress and a hat with ostrich feathers. And I said, what is that? It's just kind of embarrassing. Well, no, not say that because I think people should visit New York without without receiving umbrellas. Extension: the podcast connects to the present with a quote from Trump about taking down Washington's and Jefferson's monuments since Confederate monuments are coming down as well. Why why did that question interest you? They are looking at that. But just as you're about to go under, he says just that the first onset of sleep found one big jaw. June 9, 2022 In 'El Pueblo,' producer Mike Schilitt explores the surprising history of Olvera Street an idealized fantasy of Mexico created in downtown Los Angeles that has supported generations of Agelenos. And the reason why right now I feel the chair pushing up on me is again, my body also wants to slide down, but the chair is getting in the way. So I started asking my clinician friends and they say, well, they have a poor sense of balance, muscle weakness. And then falling back in, yeah, seemed like a good way to open the show, because this is going to be a show where we take this idea of falling and we walk it in all kinds of different directions, like comes where you snap. Yeah. Josh and Chuck have you covered. A Falling Tree Production for BBC Radio 4. All right. We love to laugh, be silly, and get deep! The summer before the crash Ollestad and his father were in Mexico. But according to David, it's actually not as much of a shame as you would think. Are you asleep? Get the latest from KCRW in your inbox 3x a week. The higher, the more popular. If you need more space for an answer, feel free to continue. Review our. How do you like that? Hello. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Yes. Yeah, I love that, because at first he sounds like this dinosaur falling through the air, but then the sound changes and it's just like. And what to think I haven't told you is that not only was she wet and soggy and according to newspaper accounts, hysterical. That's exactly right. Its UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson. Oh, my God. It must have. Instead, he told his son to just _____ _____, 4. If we go back to Australopithecus afarensis, this is Lucy, three million years ago, Lucy was bipedal. Sandbox is Science Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. And we're still about a hundred and thirty two and five months. What happens to the girl, I don't know. You just had the inside on your own. But the picture they painted for her was not what her life turned out to be. Why do you assume she's looking to save herself from the poor house? And speaking of history and fears and Thrills, and I would add to that list tragedy. The focus is on turning up new leads and theories, which the podcast has already accomplished in its short existence. Support Radiolab by becoming a member today So so for his greatest trick, he carried a small cast iron stove on his back with some firewood. They find out I do astrophysics. The San Gabriel mountains, location of the crash site, are north of what major U.S. city? This was nineteen oh one. No, it isn't. The defenestration of cats. This is David here. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. 2. Let's try this. He then had to make one more leap. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. OK, the worst. This was going to be a spectacle. She's going. So we had to get a physicist to help us explain this. On Wednesdays, Nick sits down with an inspiring guest who challenges the way he looks at the world. Please put out more . I loved him, yeah, so much. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. Every week, Chris opens the phone line to one anonymous caller, and he cant hang up first, no matter what. You know, they said, oh, that's a hip, knee jerk. We jump into a black hole, take a trip over Niagara Falls, upend some myths about falling cats, and plunge into our favorite songs about falling. Its gravity is so extreme light traveling at the speed of light. No. BBC Radio 4 . 1 phone call. And then what happened, you graduate and then did you move in together? And falling is number one or number two most common theme. She would like smile and wave at her. She was 63. But it turns out nothing there was scary enough to actually induce this fear for your life that appears to be required for the slow motion effect. He's a writer, and his book about his father and the plane crash is Crazy for the Storm. Now, for number five, should we call it falling fortunes or. All the way back to. It was field house girl. Sounds like a delicious fruit salad. Stories are higher. And they would duke it out. And how does that work? Up to 150. Wayne Shorters all seeing eye: A tribute and final conversation with the jazz pioneer, Adam Scott, Lee Edward Colston II, and Sandy King Carpenter on The Treat, Wintering and enchantment: A pathway to healing and happiness, Born of persecution, Parsi cooking melds Persian and Indian cuisines, Playwright and actor Lee Edward Colston II on the beauty of a Black audience. When was the first time that you ever saw Simon? Turns out when you're falling, you don't actually see in slow motion. Now you are two pieces now. Yeah. I can not. No one. The car, the core of what I what I was trying to talk about was lingering doubt whether whether this was it wondering could I fall further? The outcome to questions, when will life end? It felt like time was stopped. She went and lived with Buddhist nuns for a year in Sri Lanka. And what is what is a lot I mean, how many cats were coming into this place? And he was working at a restaurant that had an outdoor patio. The experience of being with her, I think ran ahead of my sense of her biography. But does that does that solve the what is gravity question? In other words, no one could really explain to him why these things happen. And, you know, how did you start studying this? Just sort of. OK, as a result of this fact, he was OK. Wow, that's amazing. Mauricio leaves Mexico City for Los Angeles, and his dreams of television come true in a very unlikely way. And so this idea that he didn't recognize me didn't seem so as important as the present moment, it it just kept getting better. It's the best podcast app and works on Android, iPhone, and the web. Now the barrel crash is back. Which she feels like she's floating. Yeah, it was it in Philly was in Philly on Sansom Street, a year and a half goes by. For instance, if they were meeting up somewhere public, I'm going to need to wave first and backpacks, though, he's got to wear the same one voice really helps. So if light doesn't come out, nothing's coming out. And usually you wake up with this feeling of like, oh, my God, oh, my God. That's right. Producer James Roque follows the stories of a few of these entrepreneurs, finding out why they started vending, the challenges they encounter on a daily basis, and how they fared during the last few years. And out of those twenty two, only one died to twenty one cats survived from eight. I people falling right through the center. It's actually faded back into the crowd. Number two, falling in love from producer Lulu Miller, so set this up for us. Meanwhile, almost every element of producer Jaime Roque's life was upended by the transmorgrifier: new job, marriage, and prospective fatherhood. I understand what Einstein tells you when he explained it. Season 1 sheds light on di First-person diaries, sound portraits, and hidden chapters of history from Peabody Award-winning producer Joe Richman and the Radio Diaries team. So it would be like if you were a NASA operator controlling the Mars rover, there's a delay between when you send the signals signal and when you get the feedback, when you get the feedback. Wow. Mission control is going OK. Sending that message to the feet. And again, eye contact, we would talk and be connected with the eyes. She was after money. By an alien. November 18, 2022 Ftbol Confidential looks at Niky's Sports, the biggest family-run chain of soccer stores in LA. That Fanny Taylor. Each story takes on something essential about California -- its progressiveness, its reputation as a home for dreamers and schemers, its heartbreaking inequality, its varied and diverse communities, its unique combination of dense cities and wild places -- and each season breaks it down into multiple 20-40 minute episodes that will be released sequentially. And then one day I woke up and swear to God, like all the leaves fell off, the trees fall turn into winter, and Simon told Cerita it was over something about a core that I'm lacking. Stories that will stick in your head like a memory. Well, he had to keep upping the ante. What is a defenestrated mean? And really they were just avoiding the big trick. And he made really good eye contact to the point where it's a little flirty. What does that mean? Steve. So in fact, you're getting while you're getting stretched, you're getting squeezed, extruded through the fabric of space like toothpaste through a tube. So the great Ferrini came out with a washing machine. It was something he did with everyone on the off chance that they're his friend. The only survivor was an 11year old boy. Um, how do I want to know this is tape to you? Thats the premise behind Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People, hosted by comedian Chris Gethard (the Chris Gethard Show, Broad City, This American Life, and one of Time Outs 10 best comedians of 2015). Welcome to The Viall Files, the podcast that talks about relationships. Each story takes on something essential about California -- its progressiveness, its reputation as a home for dreamers and schemers, its heartbreaking inequality, its varied and diverse communities, its unique combination of dense cities and wild places -- and each season breaks it down into multiple 20-40 minute episodes that will be released sequentially. Thousands were up and down the river, tens of thousands. Yes, it's good. She says that leg got gangrene and he died. How is that guy? Don't lie down. Great. Within like a few seconds, he's at 100 miles an hour. It's just hard. Our father is Neil deGrasse Tyson. So it is so. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. Right. We experience the beautiful failure that is our romance advice podcast, we make a few lists about things, talk about grandmas, and rank them, and we help some poor startups whip their .