"I've only ever known Kilburn", he shrugs, speaking in an accent that's London all over. Those of you who are musical are going to quickly say " caught cha! Despite the changing musical tastes of the next generation, the Galty made it through the 1980s into the 1990s but no longer attracted a large younger crowd, despite all the efforts made, including offering a disco. All the Irish food could be had on Kilburn High Road. I thank all whose photographs I have used for this Walk down memory lane. After many years of being away, I recently made a trip to Cricklewood and was struggling to find my bearings in a place I used to know so well. with other venues such as the National in Kilburn, the Blarney Club Charlie Kunz record on the Sterno and British Homophone label. La Bamba is in 4/4 time!". Irish Dance Hall's in London in year's gone by. Clickr on one of the buttons below to install: To embed this view, Copy and Paste the following HTML code: