At least 36 people were killed in a train crash in northeast Greece and 66 more were injured, the local fire department said. (0,i.i2)(parseFloat(e)))return Number(e)}return e},c=e=>(0,i.qh)(e)?e:""===e?0:e.lastIndexOf("%")>-1?e:parseInt(e.replace("px",""),10),u=(e,t)=>{if((0,i.i2)(e)&&(e=parseInt(e.toString(),10)),(0,i.i2)(e)||!isFinite(e)||e<=0&&!t)return"00:00";const n=e<0? Plan ahead when choosing a route. 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At least 36 people are dead and 66 others are injured after a train crash near Larissa, Greece, officials said. Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. "displaytitle": true, }()); The Federal Railroad Administration tracks safety data for all railroad incidents, which can be found at "string"==typeof e? Trains are quiet and fast and can run on any track at any time, from either direction, and do not run on schedules. This source code and its use and distribution is subject to the terms he is not in a position to say anything else." "The crane vehicles are creating the conditions to access and fully check the interior of the carriages.". Share Your Design Ideas, New JerseysMurphy Defends $10 Billion Rainy Day Fund as States Economy Slows, This Week in Crypto: Ukraine War, Marathon Digital, FTX. Walking on or beside railroad tracks is illegal. A rally organized by a rail workers' union is scheduled for Sunday morning, also in Athens. ([^/]+)$/,o=t.type;if(n.test(o)&&(t.mimeType=o,t.type=o.replace(n,"$1")),(0,r.isYouTube)(t.file)?t.type="youtube":(0,r.isRtmp)(t.file)?t.type="rtmp":t.type||(t.type=(0,i.AO)(t.file)),t.type){switch(t.type){case"m3u8":case"":t.type="hls";break;case"dash+xml":t.type="dash";break;case"m4a":t.type="aac";break;case"smil":t.type="rtmp"}return Object.keys(t).forEach((function(e){""===t[e]&&delete t[e]})),t}}},4101:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{Z:()=>u});var r=n(676),i=n(9888),o=n(2957),s=n(4446),a=n(3487);const l=function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)return;const t=(e=e.split("? Description Yes this is a reupload. At least 57 people died when a passenger train slammed into a freight carrier late Tuesday at Tempe, 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact the customer support team at 1-833-248-7801. We see that you have javascript disabled. "s":""}, `:""):"")+(n?n+(n>=1?` minute${n>1? A subway overpass collapsed on Monday night in Mexico City, sending the cars of a passenger train plunging to the ground and killing at least 24 people, including children, the city's mayor said . The only safe place to cross tracks is at designated public crossings with a crossbuck (X-shaped signs denoting a railroad crossing), flashing red lights or a gate. second"+(r>1? ",errorCode:"Error Code",liveStreamDown:"The live stream is either down or has ended. "":"px"),b=e=>(0,i.HD)(e.className)?e.className.split(" "):[],w=(e,t)=>{t=(0,r.fy)(t),e.className!==t&&(e.className=t)},k=e=>e.classList?e.classList:b(e),j=(e,t)=>{const n=b(e);(Array.isArray(t)?t:t.split(" ")).forEach((function(e){(0,i.r3)(n,e)||n.push(e)})),w(e,n.join(" "))},C=(e,t)=>{const n=b(e),r=Array.isArray(t)?t:t.split(" ");w(e,(0,i.e5)(n,r).join(" "))},P=(e,t,n)=>{let r=e.className||"";t.test(r)?r=r.replace(t,n):n&&(r+=` ${n}`),w(e,r)},x=(e,t,n)=>{const r=c(e,t);(n=(0,i.jn)(n)?n:!r)!==r&&(n?j(e,t):C(e,t))},O=(e,t,n)=>{e.setAttribute(t,n)},S=e=>{const t=document.createElement("link");t.rel="stylesheet",t.href=e,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)},E=e=>{e&&m(e)},T=e=>{const t={left:0,right:0,width:0,height:0,top:0,bottom:0};if(!e||!document.body.contains(e))return t;const n=e.getBoundingClientRect(),r=window.pageYOffset,i=window.pageXOffset;return n.width||n.height||n.left|| Seconds later an express train heading to Liverpool in the opposite direction, crashed into the debris and catapulted into a footbridge. ", The crash on October 8 1952 killed 112 people, An express train from Perth, Scotland collided at speed into the rear of the Tring to Euston local service passenger train that had stopped at the station, Seconds after the first collision the Euston to Liverpool express train, travelling at speed in the opposite direction, crashed into the debris, It was the worst peacetime rail crash in the UK, The remains of one of the steam locomotives being lifted from the track during the clear up operation, A rescue worker giving aid to a man who survived the triple train crash, The Harrow Observer reported the horrific accident the following day and 66 years later, getwestlondon pays tribute to the victims, It was a foggy morning in 1952, when a train speeding from Perth to Euston smashed into the back of a parked train at platform six of Harrow and Wealdstone station, Remembering the haunting day, Sylvia recalls her husband saying he was "very very lucky" to survive the triple train crash, The UK's most catastrophic train disaster happened 66 years ago today, That day the Harrow Observer reported the horrific accident and 66 years later, getwestlondon pays tribute to the victims, Hundreds of people arrived for the unveiling of the plaque in 2012 to commemorate the 112 people who lost their lives at Harrow and Wealdstone Station, People arrive to remember the tragedy 50 years on, Harrow and Wealdstone Train Crash Disaster 50th anniversary and unveiling of plaque, Sonic boom: RAF Typhoons scramble to intercept aircraft headed for London as huge bang heard for miles, The aircraft is being escorted to London Stansted Airport as video shows 'loud bang', The underrated seaside town named one of the coolest places to live where all the Londoners who have moved there are known as DFLs, According to one local Ramsgate is a 'lovely' place perfect for families, London bus 'attempted murder': Man, 20, named for first time as person accused of putting victim in 'critical condition' on Oxford Street, Oscar Castano-Colque has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly assaulting a passenger on a London bus, DWP issues new rules for people working while receiving Universal Credit - all you need to know, The scheme means that 120,000 people will have different requirements to continue receiving their payments, BBC EastEnders fan has wild pregnancy theory after 'spotting clue' in latest episode, A pregnancy would add even more drama to the love triangle currently taking place, ITV The Jonathan Ross Show: Andy Serkis' quiet life in North London with The Bill and Casualty actress wife and movie star kids, Andy isnt the only person in his family who has a talent for acting, ITV News' Ken Bruce tribute mix up leaves viewers seriously confused, Ken will be replaced with former Family Fortunes presenter Vernon Kay, ITV Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway viewers demand spin-off as they would 'happily watch an hour of it', ITV Good Morning Britain star Kate Garraway reveals financial struggles as she spent 10,000s adapting London home for Derek, Derek first fell ill with coronavirus in March 2020 and the virus has since been attacking his organs, Two men stabbed in South Norwood and one rushed to hospital as police call for witnesses, London weather map shows city bombarded with 18 hours of snow as Met Office warns it will be 'widespread and persistent', The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice next week, BBC Radio 2 Ken Bruce fans think they've spotted hidden meaning in the song choices at the start of his last ever show, The Radio 2 presenting legend has said he is being forced out early, BBC Radio 2 bombarded with complaints after 11-word thank you message to Ken Bruce, Listeners thought the veteran presenter deserved a better send-off, London weather: Updated map now shows giant wall of heavy snow and rain covering the entire country, 'I went to the North London sports bar with famous fried chicken and it was life-changing', This Upper Street spot may be my new favourite place to watch the Lionesses, RAF Typhoons scramble to intercept aircraft headed for London as huge bang heard for miles, The aircraft is being escorted to London Stansted Airport, Brilliant London Comic Con photos as Spider-Man, Stormtroopers and furries descend on West London.
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